Sunday 8 July 2018

Trials and tribulations in the Underhive

Continuing on from my last post about Necromunda far in our campaign we have Houses Delaque, Van Sarr and Escher represented. I myself have Cawdor gang from when my group played using the Community edition rulebook, however whilst I wait for GW to release the new Cawdor models I thought I'd make use of the Chaos Cult rules in White Dwarf.

So far I've played two games with them, both standard gang fights. The first was a hard fought draw with the Delaques. Although I forced them to bottle first and subsequently was the only one with models left on the battlefield, it finished a dead heat of 12 all in terms of model value killed. Unfortunately I'd take several casualties in the game that meant I was missing 5 of my 13 gang members (including my leader) for the second game against the Van Saar.
This quite game was, quite frankly, an unmitigated disaster for me. Although my 8 man gang was facing off against only 4 van Saar the fact they were hitting on 3s saw most of my guys pinned and then down pretty early on. Coupled with this was my Heavy stubber missing the enemy gangers and fragging two of my own cultists that I'd been stupid enough to leave in the way meant I lost in a big way. After this game I ended up with 2 dead cultists, 1 dead champion and a captured cultist. A variety of serious injuries on the rest means that in my next game I only have 2 cultists, a champion and a Witch available...should be interesting!

Anyway, here's some WIP shots of my gang of ruffians and no hopers: