Wednesday 26 December 2018

2018 - towel thrown

So following on from my last post here's what Ive managed to get painted unit wise for my Wood elves over 2018 (more or less):

Arch mage on dragon
1 x Spellweaver
1 x Wayfinder

20 Glade Guard
20 Eternal Guard

Other Units

10 Wardancers
3 Warhawk Riders
5 Hunting Hounds
5 Way watchers

All told that lot comes to about 1300pts painted and based to a tabletop standard that I'm more than happy with.
Left to complete are the following:

Avatar of the Hunt
Nomad Prince
Glade Lord on Great Eagle
3 x Kurnoth Hunters
10 x Dryads
10 x Reavers
5 x Wild Riders
5 x Waywatchers

Finishing those off would put me over the top of 2000pts giving me some flexibility when selecting units but alas at this point this will be added to the list of stuff to paint for 2019.

Going forward i've got plans to add in a Treelord, 10 x Wildwood Rangers, a Repeater Bolt Thrower, Chariot  and maybe some Sisters of the Watch. This would take me nicely to around 3000pts and see the army finished for the time being. This I could see happening in 2020, assuming I achieve my goals for 2019 (which i now won't of course!).

All of this is assuming we don't see a major release relating to Wood Elves or Wanderers in the next two years. If that happens then may God have mercy on my wallet!