Saturday 11 August 2018

Harnessing Malign Sorcery

Continuing the hobby butterflying (not a word?) I’ve moved away from my Necromunda chaos gang and back to my Wood Elves. An update on the Necromunda campaign will he posted eventually, let’s just say though it’s not going well for the Disciples of the Bird.

With the release of Age of Sigmar 2.0 and more importantly Malign Sorcery expanding the list of available spells (both endless and garden variety) I thought now was a good time to paint up some magical support in the form of 2 Archmage seconded from the Eldritch Council. I believe my original 2k list posted at the start of the year had a Spellsinger in it so it’s not as much of a deviation from this list as I first thought, although the fact that the second Archmage is mounted on a (now) fire breathing forest dragon is a bit left field.

Without further ado here is the first Archmage, painted over around 5 1 hour long sessions in the morning before work:

Base colours added - tallarn sand, asurmen blue, orkhide shade, chaos black

 Metals based with boltgun metal, greens layered with Loren green, boots and leather with calthan brown

 Greens highlighted with warpstone glow and moot green

 Blues hihjlighigh with enchanted blue and washed with asurmen blue.

Finished Archmage with classic green flocked base. Good thing about this guy is I can also use him as a glade captain battle standard bearer or a Shadowdancer, or a Spellsingers if I feel like playing wanderers.

Last but not least is the finished (more or less) dragon.

So the dragon is the Carmine Dragon model I posted about 6 months ago. Originally it was going to be a forest dragon and indeed it was used as such in my last game with the wood elves. With the release of the malign sorcery rules though and with my original wood elf mage needing some TLC I decided I could magnetise him to sit on top of the dragon. Looks better than the glade lord model I was going to use as well in my opinion! Rules wise this guy can either be an Archmage on Dragon or a Drakeseer. Plus if I want I can take the mage off and use it as a regular Carmine dragon. I've got plans eventually to paint up and magnetise the glade lord I originally was going to use but that's for the future.

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