Monday 12 February 2024

Bloodbowl - Project Night Goblins and Bugmans Belter 2024

Finished my first project of the 2024, a Night Goblin team for Blood Bowl. 

I had great fun with this project, with the aim being to use only Gamesworkshop models so i was able to play it at Warhammer World in their tournaments. 

The models themselves are from a variety of kits and systems. Warhammer Underworlds is represented through Zarbags Gitz, Mollogs Mob and Grinkraks Looncourt for one of the Trolls and the specialist positionals. The regular line Goblins are from the Gloomspite stabbas kit and the Ooligan and Doomdiver (winged squig with goblin "pilot") are from the Squig Herd kit.

Of course, with so many kits and having had a great time building them I've now got the Goblin bug. Perhaps I might try and revisit that original plan I set out so long ago at the beginning of this blog to actually build a Night Goblin army....

Took this team to Bugmans Belter 2024 at Warhammer World as well. Went 1 win and 2 losses, beating a shambling Undead team but getting hammered by 2 lizard teams. I did win Dirtiest Player though so I'd regard that as a win!

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