Wednesday 11 April 2018

From the Webway they strike....

Ah, the joy of being a hobby butterfly. So with the recent game with my Wood Elf army under my belt and with the rumours of Dark Eldar on the horizon I suddenly lost the momentum I had to finish painting my Wood Elf 2k list and revisited the True Kin. I think I mentioned in my introductory post that Dark Eldar were my favorite 40k army, indeed I've been collecting them since around 2005! I've got around 2000pts painted up for them at the moment, mainly because the release of the new range caused me to put my original models away in storage and their in various stages if disrepair at the moment. Currently I've been painting my conversion of lady Malys as well as some of her Harlequin allies to add to my Kabal.

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