Saturday 16 June 2018

Necromunda Campaign - Sector 8472

++incoming vox transmission++my lord Marduk, I have activated the cell as instructed to explore the newly accessible Sector 8472. My enlightened brothers and sisters have joined me in casting off the shackles of the false emperor and now stand ready to topple Hive Primus from within. Although our numbers are few our faith in the true Gods will see this vision become reality.
We are not without opposition however, the lapdogs of the hive houses work to counter our holy work, more out of greed and jelousy than because they perceive our true purpose I suspect. In particular the Detectives of House Delaque and the Star Fire Scorpions have recently crossed our paths in the underhive ways surrounding the Sector. We fought those meddling "Detectives" to a standstill with the faith of the Dark God's burning in our eyes, the purity of the word on our lips and the corpses of the slow and simple to aid our assault. Then, filled with renewed vigour (it should be said I and 4 of my brothers received a vision from Tzeentch advising us to be elsewhere) the Witch "Tim" led our holy warriors into battle against the hated Star fire Scorpions. Reports from Tim state our warrios were outnumbered almost 10 to 1 but that our faith shielded us from the worst of their hi-tech sorcery and that a vital mole (Brother "Wheels") has been inserted into their camp.
My Lord I beseech you to send the aid you promised, the way is being prepared for the Holy Warriors of the Mighty Lorgar to set foot on Hive Primus, we stand ready for further guidance and teachings ++ end transmission++

Bit of a while since I last posted to be honest. It's been a bit mental at work recently and that coupled with the start of the World Cup has severely impacted on my time and also motivation to paint. Anyway, the piece above is a recent bit of fluff that I've posted as part of the development of a chaos cult gang for a Necromunda Campaign my group have started playing recently. The Disciples of the Bird are devotees of the word of Lorgar and are working to bring Hive Primis down from within. In reality they're a jumped up rabble of mutants and ne'erdowells that are just about capable of causing an annoyance to the more established underhive house gangs. Still, Necromunda is a fun system and I'm enjoying painting up my rabble of Cultists. It helps also that a large band of cultists are included in my first Word Bearers list that I posted at the start of the year, so two birds one stone I guess!

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