Thursday 23 July 2020

Mortal Realms Progress 8 - Knight Questor

The next addition to the Astral Templars is complete:
Knight Questor "Arinos Wolfsworn" joins the ranks. Once again the name is from the Realm of Plastic AoS name generator (as will all my characters names).
This model was much simpler to paint up as it's not one of the Sacrosanct chamber and covered in robes. Choosing where to put the green spot colours was a little bit of a challenge, however I think they work well where they are and tie in the model to the wider army. 

In the lore Knights Questor are on a mission given to them by Sigmar, so to represent the fact he's on a quest I've tried to paint his armour in a more worn down fashion to show he's been on campaign for a long time. Rules wise they're not the best, however I look forward to trying him out soon, and perhaps keeping a tally of any champions/heroes he kills amongst my group. 

Next on the list is another unit of Sequitors. As I've painted 6 of these already I'm just adding another 4 so I've got the option of 2 small units or 1 big one. 

At the same time I'm also adding some artillery to the army in the form of a Celestar Ballista. The addition of a model from yet another chamber means I really need to get reading up on how the organisation works within the Stormcast...

Hopefully I'll have those done in time for the arrival of the Lord-Arcanum which will round out the first 1000pts!

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