Sunday 25 February 2018

The Eternal Struggle....over?

I would imagine that most of us like to sit down of an evening and paint solidly for a few hours with perhaps our favorite audio book on, a podcast or TV show. I'd like to do this as well but unfortunately my 7month old little girl doesn't yet understand why. As such I find that my painting time is restricted to a half hour here and there as my little girl naps/before work when she's still snoozing.
Painting in this manner means you learn to break a task up into many small steps, choosing to paint one colour on everything then moving onto the next colour or calling it a day as time permits. Doing things this way takes time though, which is why it's taken about 4 weeks to get my Eternal Guard painted to what I think will do as a tabletop standard

Gotta say I'm very pleased with how they've turned out. One of the disadvantages of painting piecemeal in the way I've described above is that you don't see the big picture and it can feel like you making not progress at all. The irony of painting "eternal" guard as a result wasn't lost on me don't worry!

Here's another close up of my intrepid band of wanderers, I've stayed pretty close to the standard colour scheme to keep thing simple and so that they fit in with my Glade guard (finished last year).

There's probably still more work to be done to really finish them. Off the top of my head I could do with looking at some of the hair colours again, maybe highlight up the gemstones and have another go at painting the wood of the spears. All said and done though I need a break from them at the moment which is why I'm moving back to this guy!

That's right the Glade Lord has finished his back and been suitably scrubbed clean of the old paint job. I'm hoping to get this guy painted in the next week in time for his debut in a game I've got planned for next Friday evening. Here's hoping I can convince the little one of the importance of that!

Tuesday 13 February 2018

The Eternal Struggle

Rich here, so despite my plans to paint Night Goblins this month as part of the Malign Portents muster I find myself drawn back to my Wood Elves (well mixed order Wanderers if we’re getting technical). I can't help but feel like this is something to do with playing through the season of Revelations campaign on Warhammer total war recently...
For the most part I’ve finished the actual forest dragon, I just need to get an appropriately sized base as well as thinking up an appropriately wood-elfy name. Meanwhile the Glade Lord that will serve as dragon rider is still enjoying a leisurely bath in some white spirit. This is something I'll have to get round to sooner or later but the fact the legs don't quite fit on the saddle of the dragon mean I'm putting it off...

So this brings us to today's update and continuing with the wood elven theme I'm painting up some eternal guard. 

These were yet another eBay purchase and rather "conveniently" all 18 came without any shields. Im unsure yet if I'm going to purchase the shields separately; I always liked the lore behind the old eternal guard where they were supposed to be that skilled with their spears they counted as having shields. Sadly thats not the case anymore so it leaves a tough decision....
In any case here are some pictures of the Eternal Guard painting progress:

Once again my photos are taken using a smart phone in poor light. I'll try to take some better photos when i finish them. Being honest that's also the reason I've not posted any pictures of the forest dragon. Anyway, all comments and criticism welcome. Let me know whether you think they should have shields or not as well, it's a tough choice for me at the moment.