Sunday 4 March 2018

Call of the Wild Hunt

So one of the benefits of playing Grand Alliance Order rather than purely Wanderers is that I get to keep using all of the old wood elf units in my lists, as well as including as many tree spirits as I'd like without needing to worry about allies allowances.  Yeah, sure it's perhaps not as competitive as using pure wanderers or pure Sylvaneth but I get to use my old models still which is great. Plus I can even use some of my older models like the wood elf chariot (currently in many different bits). Anyway I digress, my talk of wild hunts and compedium units may have given you some clues as to what this post is about:

Yes that's right, I've decided that my Wood Elves are missing an Ancient Star God of a dead race to lead them...

Actually no, this is going to be my Avatar of the Hunt (formerly Orion). This all came about when I was looking at some of the other warscrolls in the order alliance and was thinking about adding in a Repeater Bolt Thrower to provide a bit of long range threat. I came close to getting one but then took a look through the wood elf compedium and came across the war scroll for this guy.

Between the Spear of Kurnous and the Hawks Talon this guy is quite the threat at range! Additionally he's also quite a threat in close combat as well and with the right magic items (hello phoenix stone) and command trait (inspiring?) will be the resilient commander I think my force needs.

Anyway, the idea for the model itself came from this post on dakka dakka

  1. I've got some work to do to get anywhere near the level if quality of this conversion but I'm enjoying giving it a go. More pictures to follow later!

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