Friday 10 April 2020

Mortal Realms Progress 2

Up to issue 7 now of the Mortal Realms magazine and as expected im falling behind. In fairness I started out with more copies of the first issues than I should have, 4 in total! I've also actually completed the first unit of Sequitors now (technically more than 1 as there's 6 models in this 5 strong unit). A photo of the completed unit will follow for my next post, when I can take a decent one.

In the meantime the recent good weather here in the UK, coupled with our virus lockdown, has resulted in a push to catch up. So here's the next lot of models all assembled and undercoated:

Next squad of Sequitors, 2 more great maces as well as a few conversions of the standard easy to build models to try to keep things interesting. 

The first set of Castigators. Being a 3 person unit I'm actually painting almost 2 squads worth here. I think I've got another couple of them somewhere....

The final unit is the Celestar ballista, one which I'm really looking forward to painting. I'll probably do it as a reward for completing the Castigators as I'll have painted quite alot (for me) of Infantry by then!

Anyway, I'll leave it here for now and get back to painting! 

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