Sunday 26 April 2020

Mortal Realms - Progress 4 - Castigators

Progress continues to be made in clearing the back log of Stormcast from the mortal realms magazine. The next delivery lands any day now so it's all hands to the pump so to speak. 

I've pretty much put the base colours on the collection of Castigators I've got. Now the eagle eyed amongst you will have picked up on the fact that by issue 10 (the issue I'm currently up to on deliveries), I should only have 5 Castigators, whereas I have 8. Either way the extra ones dont help too much as the units are taken in multiples of 3 in matched play anyway. 

Here's the progress so far on them:
Base colours are as follows:
Armour - Screamer Pink
Robes - Wraithbone
Tabbards - Caliban Green
Greatbows - Boltgun metal, Retributor gold and Abbadon black
Armour trim - Retributor Gold 

Its onto the washes next, which I've already started on the robes using Agrax Earthshade. 

There's another 2 Castigators to come in a later issue of Mortal Realms (Issue 15?), so if I can get two copies of that I'll have an even 12 Castigators, enough for two units of 6 which appeals to the collector in me even if they're not in a great place rules wise about now. 

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