Monday 16 December 2019

The trees are still moving!!!

So after it being nearly 5 months since my last post and after an excellent British summer consisting of the usual rain and sporting failures its back on board the painting train. Progress has continued apace with the Wood Elves with the latest completed unit being 30 dryads, to go along with my 3 kurnoth hunters presented in the last post.

For those interested the Dryads were painted the same as the kurnoth hunters, without the final layer of Ushabti bone. It makes them darker than the hunters but the variance looks good on the table (I think so anyway).

With the updated Sylvaneth rules also coming into being (finally) I've also assembled and magnetised a Treelord to lead my erstwhile band of saplings. With Treelords also being able to summon a wyldwood as well, I'll probably need to look at getting one of those at some point. Then the army really will function like the Wood Elves of the world that was.

In addition to the 30 Dryads and the Treelord I also finished a unit of 3 Warhawk Riders as well as a Great Eagle Riding Lord to lead them. Armed with the Spirit Sword (he's actually dual wielding swords) I like to think of him swooping in then leaping off the great eagle into the fray and taking names.

Lastly I've also been assembling a unit of 10 Wyldwood Rangers to support my Eternal Guard. I actually bought the box mainly for the additional 10 shields so I could fully shield up the Guard, so I've had the box for quite some time now. The Rangers are some way off being finished but here's a photo of them nonetheless, posed striding through the forest, on the lookout for Interlopers. I like to think of them as the vanguard of my battlehost, even though I think they're rules suggest they're heavy infantry.

Photos to follow for all of this when I can get everything down out of the loft.

Linked to all of this progress, the release of the new free cities battletome has got me very excited. The livig City allegiance is definitely something that needs exploring, although quite how I'll represent my Warhawk Riders and Eagle Rider in that list is anyone's guess....ah well, nice problems to have.

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