Monday 15 January 2018

40k Salamanders...again.

So, A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....

No wait, that's not right. It's been done before. Much like this army (see it's all loosely connected, or, you will see by the end I hope). 

Let's start at the beginning. Back in 2008 I decided to begin a Space Marine army. My second (if you can count the Ultramarines I painted as a 13 year old back in 2nd edition). 
My eyes were drawn quickly to Salamanders, whether or not it was the paint scheme, back ground. Whatever (it was the paint scheme). Within that year, I feverishly bought as much as I could. 

If I say so myself, I was proud of this army. I painted it was and it's probably some of my best paint jobs I've done (I was especially proud of my Dread and Captain). 

However, as an army it was also very slow to paint, owing to my lack of spare time and other armies and projects. (I have a rather large Ork army I shall perhaps show one day). and I played it even less, having it appear on one games day outing and one, very, very unlucky doubles Tournament. 

So in 2013, I decided to sell my army up. I was spring cleaning, they hadn't been out of storage in 2 years, and they weren't the only army to go.

 I received a fair price for them and my mind was cleansed. I didn't think about my Salamanders for 3 years...

Fast forward to 2016 and modellers guilt sets in. We've all known it and had it. The 'what if' moments; 'I wish I'd built this', 'I wish I'd not got rid of that'.And for me it's my Salamanders. I don't regret anything I've got rid of or sold. My Salamanders I deeply regret. 

It took me a long time, but I was able to track down the guy I sold them to. He was very polite and I explained my situation but he didn't wish to part with them. And you know what? that's his right. I'm not here to moan about the guy, I gave up my claim to the army when I sold it, regardless of how much I missed them. 

So in 2017 June when 8th edition of 40k. We all looked up and took notice of the new Primaris Marine. 

...My wallet and heart also took notice. (So did my wife, but she's been kind enough to know when to reign me in and when to let me go, this instance was a latter situation). 

So it's January 2018 and this is where we've got to. This is the first in a series on my new Salamanders. I've done some painting already: 

This army is all Primaris, all the time. Next time I'll drop a projected army list, as well as my Christmas haul (in which my wife shows how much she supports me and this plastic crack hobby).

I'll also be adding a few other blogs on, about opinions on the meta in game, other projects.

If you want to get in touch, drop a comment below or follow me on instagram @bigbot70 where I usually post nerd related gubbinz.


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