Saturday 13 January 2018

Malign Portents - The Muster Begins

Now some of you may be aware of something called Malign Portents that's about to start for Age of Sigmar. Im really looking forward to this fleshing out the lore of the setting as so far fluff has been pretty scarce (in my opinion). Fingers crossed this is the first of many such events for AOS and that GW can really develop the lore.
Now back to business. The reason for today's post is this:

Rather conveniently for me the Destruction harbinger is none other than a moon clan shaman. As such I think it would be rude of me not to at least have a stab at achieving the muster, plus it'll get me well on the way to achieving my aim of 1000pta of moon clan this year. My only problem is that, as yet, there is no start collecting box for the Moonclan, requiring me to think out side the box (see what I did there?). Looking at the other start collecting sets they seem to generally consist of a core unit for the race, some cavalry or special unit, a leader, and then maybe a big nasty or chariot. With this in mind I think a moon clan start collecting would look something like this:

Moonclan warboss
20 Moonclan grots
3 fanatics
Mangler Squigs

So sticking to the muster requirements the aim is to get this painted by 10th February....bit daunting but let's give it a go. Let me know what you think, what would you put in a moonclan start collecting? Are you also participating in the muster for Malign Portents?

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