Sunday 7 January 2018

Madcap Musings....

With my goals for the year set in the previous post the next few posts will detail what I intend to include in each army. Note that for the Wanderers and Word Bearers I own most of the models already (just never got round to finishing them), but the Moonclan Grots are an entirely new army that I'll be starting from scratch.

For those of you that are wondering why I'm choosing Grots in Age of Sigmar and not another faction with a battletome (say Ironjawz), it's because of my wife. For years she's always referred to my hobby as "Goblins".. Whether me and my gaming group be playing 40k (Where I play Dark Eldar), Age of Sigmar (Wanderers) , X Wing (Scum & Villainy) or even Necromunda (House Cawdor) it always goes on the calendar as "Goblins" and everyone is told that I'm playing "Goblins" that day. Missing the joke initially I did explain to her that I don't actually own any goblins, although that of course sealed my fate and meant that the "Goblins" moniker would stick for all of time. Accepting this new reality I've finally decided to collect that army of goblins my friends and family all like to think that I own.....

With that in mind here's what I want in my first 1k of Night Goblins:

Heroes (or should that be Villains?)

Grot Warboss with moon prodder and giant cave squig

Moonclan Grot Shaman 


40 x Moonclan Grots with poking spears & moon shields, bad moon icon

10 x Cave Squigs

Other Units

3 x Grot Fanatics

2 x Grot Squig Herders 


1 x Mangler Squigs 

I reckon that captures a good flavour of the Moonclan faction including as it does plenty of squigs, plenty of hooded greenies and of course some fanatics! 

As with all lists this will be subject to change as new stuff takes my fancy (already got my eye on the Malign Portents mushroom shaman....) but hopefully this time next year we'll have the start of a Moonclan force completed.

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