Saturday 6 January 2018

And so it begins....

So with the start of a new year I've set myself some model painting goals for 2018. Seeing as I've always struggled with painting regularly and completing armies unless I have a specific deadline to hit (gaming day, tournament etc...) I figured I'd have a go at the whole blog thing in order to keep myself motivated for the year. So without further ado my goals for the year are as follows:

1) Age of Sigmar - Complete my 2000pt Wanderers battle host
2) Age of Sigmar - Complete a 1000pt Moonclan Grot army
3) 40k - Complete a 1000pt Word Bearer force

Now admittedly these goals aren't very ambitious, especially when you consider I've been working on the Wanderers for the last year, but completely painting and basing an army appears to have been beyond me these last few years so starting small and working from there seemed like the best idea. 

So there we have it, those are my goals for 2018 and I look forward to sharing my progress (or lack of) with you over the next year!

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