Saturday 20 January 2018

Something stirs within the woods - Forest Dragon WIP 2

Work continues on my Forest dragon whilst I wait for the goblins I've ordered here to arrive. 
As you can see I'm almost finished blocking in the main colours. For those that care these are the colours and steps completed so far:
1) Undercoated with chaos black spray (thinks its abaddon black these days)
2) The scales and rougher parts of the skins are painted in Loren Forest
3) Horns and other bony protuberances were based in Rakarth Flesh. 
4) Smoother skin and wings was painted with a mix of Loren Forest and White Scar
5) Mouth and tongue based with mechrite red (an old base paint I still have)

Next steps for me are generally shading, highlighting and tidying up the model as a whole but what you see there is a basic approximation of the how the beast will look when it's fully painted. Hopefully I'll have it finished before the goblins arrive but who knows...

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