Wednesday 31 January 2018

Bearers of the Word

My final army that I intend to work on this year will be my Word Bearers. Chaos space marines we're what originally got me into this hobby and I still remember clumsily daubing regal blue onto my first chaos marines when I was 11 (some would say my painting hasn't advanced much from there). My chaos marines have been through various incarnations since then, first night Lord's, then Black Legion and Sons of Malice before I've finally settled on Word Bearers. The excellent Word Bearers trilogy by Antony Reynolds was what converted me to the teachings of Lorgar and is well worth a read if you get the chance. The fact that the Hours Heresy series has them as the original traitors is even better! Plus it helps that a member of my gaming group collects the hated sons of guilliman...
I'm keeping the goal easy with these and only aiming for 1000pts this year, plus with space marines being elite troops the model count won't be as extreme as my moon clan grots.
My aims behind this force are for it to consists initially of marines on foot supported by Daemon Engines and mobs of cultists and daemons. In my mind they implacably advance chanting verses from the book of Lorgar, led by a fiery Dark Apostle. To achieve this my first 1000pts will consist of:

1 Dark Apostle (first choice for Word Bearers!)
1 Aspiring Champion 

10 x Word Bearers, aspiring champ with powerfist and plasma pistol

20 Cultists ( because word bearers without cultists should be illegal)

10 Daemonettes 

5 x terminators with powerfists. 1 with heavy flamer

1 x Chaos Decimator with seige claw and butcher cannon

Thats roughly 1000pts and represents a pretty good variety of stuff to paint. We've got heavy armour, a walker, some daemons and basic humans so should keep me interested. 

Anyway, let me know what you think. Not having played chaos for years or even owning the codex I'm going to need all the pointers I can get! 

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