Tuesday 9 January 2018

Wanders of the Hidden Paths

Continuing with the theme of posting what models I intend to complete these year we move onto my ongoing collection of Wanderers (formerly Wood Elves). I originally started collecting the Wood Elves way back in 2002 during the 6th edition of Warhammer Fantasy as it was known then (and also when all of this around us was fields *shakes walking stick*). I played a few games with the Elves but was more into 40k as more people were playing that in my FLGS at the time and it was easier to get a game in as a result. This focus on 40k continued when I stopped going to the store for games and started gaming regularly with a small group of friends (who I may yet invite to contribute to this blog!) and for years my Wood Elves sat in a case forgotten and gathering dust.

Then came the End Times and the Warhammer World ceased to be, replaced by a new game Age of Sigmar. It wasn't until the release of the generals handbook that our gaming group began to take an interest in the game but pretty soon they all began to collect small armies (Seraphon, Free Peoples, Chaos Daemons, Fyre Slayers and Duardin). Remembering my Wood Elves I got them out of storage and finally began working on them again so I could have a viable force for use in the odd game here and there with others in the group.

My collection of Wood Elves includes quite a few of the old metal models (thank you Ebay!) that I remember reading about in an old Games Workshop catalogue from around 2003 but could never afford at the time (Wardancers, Mage, Great Eagle, Scouts and Waywatchers) . These are mixed in with the newer plastics (glade guard, glade riders, Wild Riders and Dryads from 2005) and then some of the models from the latest Wood Elf release some point in 8th Edition Fantasy (Eternal Guard, Wild Wood Rangers).

The name for the army is inspired by an arcane item from the 2005 Wood Elf army book - The Moonstone of the Hidden Ways. Due to the fact that a number of the units I own aren't actually in the Wanderers list anymore and form part of the Wood Elves legacy war scrolls I'll be going with Order allegiance to keep things nice and legal. So for those of you that are still with me here is the 2k pt list I'm working to currently:


Nomad Prince with Spear, deepwood shield and hawk

Spell singer with staff

Glade Captain Battle Standard Bearer

Glade Lord on Forest Dragon

20 Glade Guard

10 Dryads

8 Glade Riders

Other units

10 Wardancers

5 Waywatchers

10 Sisters of the watch

20 Eternal Guard

10 Wildwood Rangers

5 Wild Riders

1 Chariot

As I've said I've got most of the models already and for the most part alot of it is painted (admittedly some models may need some work). Still to purchase though are the Wildwood Rangers and some shields for the Eternal Guard. I'll post some pictures in a future post of each of the units.

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