Wednesday, 26 December 2018
2018 - towel thrown
Arch mage on dragon
1 x Spellweaver
1 x Wayfinder
20 Glade Guard
20 Eternal Guard
Other Units
10 Wardancers
3 Warhawk Riders
5 Hunting Hounds
5 Way watchers
All told that lot comes to about 1300pts painted and based to a tabletop standard that I'm more than happy with.
Left to complete are the following:
Avatar of the Hunt
Nomad Prince
Glade Lord on Great Eagle
3 x Kurnoth Hunters
10 x Dryads
10 x Reavers
5 x Wild Riders
5 x Waywatchers
Finishing those off would put me over the top of 2000pts giving me some flexibility when selecting units but alas at this point this will be added to the list of stuff to paint for 2019.
Going forward i've got plans to add in a Treelord, 10 x Wildwood Rangers, a Repeater Bolt Thrower, Chariot and maybe some Sisters of the Watch. This would take me nicely to around 3000pts and see the army finished for the time being. This I could see happening in 2020, assuming I achieve my goals for 2019 (which i now won't of course!).
All of this is assuming we don't see a major release relating to Wood Elves or Wanderers in the next two years. If that happens then may God have mercy on my wallet!
Sunday, 4 November 2018
The End Times
So it's been a while since I last posted and with the end of 2018 fast approaching it's time for a final push to try to at least complete one of my goals. For those of you that have good memories those goals were:
1) Complete a 2000pt wood elf army for Age of Sigmar
2) Paint 1000pts of Word Bearers
3) Paint 1000pts of Night Goblins
As you can probably guess from the lack of posts showing completed word bearers and Night goblins, the second and third of my objeftives has fallen by the way side. The first one though....that's what still in with shout of achieving.
Allegiance: Order
Mortal Realm: Ghyran
Avatar of the Hunt
- General
- Trait: Legendary Fighter
- Artefact: Ghyrstrike
Glade Lord on Great Eagle
- Spirit Blade
Archmage On Dragon
- Magestaff & Book of Hoeth
20 x Glade Guard
10 x Dryads
5 x Reavers
5 x Reavers
5 x Hunting Hounds
3 x Warhawk Riders
10 x Wardancers
5 x Waywatchers
20 x Eternal Guard
5 x Wild Riders
10 x Wildwood Rangers
3 x Kurnoth Hunters
- Greatbows
Endless Spells
Quicksilver Swords
Soulsnare Shackles
Total: 2500 / 2500
Extra Command Points: 0
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 171
Monday, 27 August 2018
The Narrative Approach
Saturday, 11 August 2018
Harnessing Malign Sorcery
With the release of Age of Sigmar 2.0 and more importantly Malign Sorcery expanding the list of available spells (both endless and garden variety) I thought now was a good time to paint up some magical support in the form of 2 Archmage seconded from the Eldritch Council. I believe my original 2k list posted at the start of the year had a Spellsinger in it so it’s not as much of a deviation from this list as I first thought, although the fact that the second Archmage is mounted on a (now) fire breathing forest dragon is a bit left field.
Without further ado here is the first Archmage, painted over around 5 1 hour long sessions in the morning before work:
Base colours added - tallarn sand, asurmen blue, orkhide shade, chaos black
Metals based with boltgun metal, greens layered with Loren green, boots and leather with calthan brown
Greens highlighted with warpstone glow and moot green
Blues hihjlighigh with enchanted blue and washed with asurmen blue.
Finished Archmage with classic green flocked base. Good thing about this guy is I can also use him as a glade captain battle standard bearer or a Shadowdancer, or a Spellsingers if I feel like playing wanderers.
Last but not least is the finished (more or less) dragon.
So the dragon is the Carmine Dragon model I posted about 6 months ago. Originally it was going to be a forest dragon and indeed it was used as such in my last game with the wood elves. With the release of the malign sorcery rules though and with my original wood elf mage needing some TLC I decided I could magnetise him to sit on top of the dragon. Looks better than the glade lord model I was going to use as well in my opinion! Rules wise this guy can either be an Archmage on Dragon or a Drakeseer. Plus if I want I can take the mage off and use it as a regular Carmine dragon. I've got plans eventually to paint up and magnetise the glade lord I originally was going to use but that's for the future.
Sunday, 8 July 2018
Trials and tribulations in the Underhive
So far I've played two games with them, both standard gang fights. The first was a hard fought draw with the Delaques. Although I forced them to bottle first and subsequently was the only one with models left on the battlefield, it finished a dead heat of 12 all in terms of model value killed. Unfortunately I'd take several casualties in the game that meant I was missing 5 of my 13 gang members (including my leader) for the second game against the Van Saar.
This quite game was, quite frankly, an unmitigated disaster for me. Although my 8 man gang was facing off against only 4 van Saar the fact they were hitting on 3s saw most of my guys pinned and then down pretty early on. Coupled with this was my Heavy stubber missing the enemy gangers and fragging two of my own cultists that I'd been stupid enough to leave in the way meant I lost in a big way. After this game I ended up with 2 dead cultists, 1 dead champion and a captured cultist. A variety of serious injuries on the rest means that in my next game I only have 2 cultists, a champion and a Witch available...should be interesting!
Anyway, here's some WIP shots of my gang of ruffians and no hopers:
Saturday, 16 June 2018
Necromunda Campaign - Sector 8472
++incoming vox transmission++my lord Marduk, I have activated the cell as instructed to explore the newly accessible Sector 8472. My enlightened brothers and sisters have joined me in casting off the shackles of the false emperor and now stand ready to topple Hive Primus from within. Although our numbers are few our faith in the true Gods will see this vision become reality.
We are not without opposition however, the lapdogs of the hive houses work to counter our holy work, more out of greed and jelousy than because they perceive our true purpose I suspect. In particular the Detectives of House Delaque and the Star Fire Scorpions have recently crossed our paths in the underhive ways surrounding the Sector. We fought those meddling "Detectives" to a standstill with the faith of the Dark God's burning in our eyes, the purity of the word on our lips and the corpses of the slow and simple to aid our assault. Then, filled with renewed vigour (it should be said I and 4 of my brothers received a vision from Tzeentch advising us to be elsewhere) the Witch "Tim" led our holy warriors into battle against the hated Star fire Scorpions. Reports from Tim state our warrios were outnumbered almost 10 to 1 but that our faith shielded us from the worst of their hi-tech sorcery and that a vital mole (Brother "Wheels") has been inserted into their camp.
My Lord I beseech you to send the aid you promised, the way is being prepared for the Holy Warriors of the Mighty Lorgar to set foot on Hive Primus, we stand ready for further guidance and teachings ++ end transmission++
Bit of a while since I last posted to be honest. It's been a bit mental at work recently and that coupled with the start of the World Cup has severely impacted on my time and also motivation to paint. Anyway, the piece above is a recent bit of fluff that I've posted as part of the development of a chaos cult gang for a Necromunda Campaign my group have started playing recently. The Disciples of the Bird are devotees of the word of Lorgar and are working to bring Hive Primis down from within. In reality they're a jumped up rabble of mutants and ne'erdowells that are just about capable of causing an annoyance to the more established underhive house gangs. Still, Necromunda is a fun system and I'm enjoying painting up my rabble of Cultists. It helps also that a large band of cultists are included in my first Word Bearers list that I posted at the start of the year, so two birds one stone I guess!
Wednesday, 11 April 2018
From the Webway they strike....
Tuesday, 20 March 2018
Battle Snapshot - Wood Elves vs Free Peoples Part 2
Following the rules for the scenario, as I finished deployment first I got to choose who got first turn. Wary as I was of the large unit of Glade guard opposite my Avatar (particularly their +1 to hit and -3 rend arcane bodkins) i resolved to take first turn.
Turn 1 went pretty much as planned for me, my wild riders on the left flank advanced forward to threaten the great eagle's
and the dragon the knights , both eyeing turn 1 charges (despite the trees that had suspiciously just popped up...)
Shooting and battleshock accounted for 18 Glade guard removing the threat to my Avatar (phew). My wardancers took my left hand objective as well with the eternal guard holding my right.
Finally my Forest dragon got the charge on the knights and promptly ate 4 of the 8.
In response to this onslaught the bloodied but unbowed free peoples advanced stoically across the board, Spearmen moving to threaten my centre and taking my left most objective from the Wardancers by virtue of greater numbers.
Eagle's (who I forgot to charge with the wild riders!!!) flapped over to my Wardancers and proceeded to line up their charge. Shooting was pretty uneventful with the remnants of the Glade guard, stone thrower and cannon all missing their targets. The free people salvaged their turn with a pretty eventful combat phase though.
With piercing cries the eagles tore apart 6 wardancers with 1 eagle being taken down in return as it tried to take flight again
Meanwhile the knights in combat with the dragon had received support from the free guild general (represented by Theoden in this game). Unsurprisingly the dragon laid waste to the knights leaving 1 alive.
More surpringly was the fact "Theoden" not only lived after rolling a 6 on his master of defence save against the dragons gaping maw attack (we like to think Theoden propped open the jaws with his sword), but that he promptly caused a wound with his hoarfrost blade putting the Dragon at -1 to hit for the rest of the game!
I was on 3 points at the end of the turn with the free peoples on 4 after holding 3 objectives, 1 of which was taken from me for an extra point.
Turn 2 began with the Avatar moving to engage the Spearmen, Wild Riders careening forward towards the stone thrower, Dryads moving to charge range of the liberators and Glade guard taking back my left most objective. Shooting was uneventful with the Reavers largely failing to harm the treelord, waywatchers taking a wound off a liberators and avatar spitting 3 Spearmen on the spear of Kurnous.
Between the kurnoth hunters and glade guard though 8 dryads were killed. Charges were made by the Avatar on the Spearmen and Dryads on liberators. The avatar promptly fluffed his attacks (an ongoing theme) and only killed 3 spearmen, the Dryads lost 4 of their numbers to the rightous anger of the liberators, before the Spearmen, with a flurry of stabbing blows took 7 wounds off the avatar leaving him on only 1 wound! The ongoing combat between dragon, Theoden and friends saw the last night get nommed but Theoden remaining unscathed and promptly putting 3 more wounds on the dragon. I was really regretting charging him in alone at this poiny and the -1 to hit caused by the hoarfrost was causing a real issue!
Free Peoples turn 2 saw the block of 12 Dryads in the centre move to threaten my Glade guard, closely followed by the Unforged.
The treelord moved towards the Forest Dragon on my right to bail Theoden out and the artillery on my left shuffled sideways to get away from the approaching wild riders.
In a good turn of events for me shooting from them was again lackluster with the cannon and stone thrower combination only killed 1 wild rider, the crewmen bracing themselves to recieve the charge next turn.
The free people Dryads, picking arrows from their bodies lined up the charge on the Glade Guard who'd just tried to make pin cushions of them.
Combat started with the Spearmen attempting to finish off the Avatar. The phoenix stone had restored 1 wound in the free peoples hero phase but I wasn't confident 2 wounds was going to survive 15 spear attacks. The dice were rolled and 5 wounds were inflicted on the Avatar. I'll admit i thouhjt this was the end...especially after failing the 1st 4+ save (forgetting to roll master of defence as well) I rolled the remaining 4 saves 1 at a time and somehow made the rest! Phew! Bowed but not broken the avatar struck back but, perhaps feeling the pain of his wounds, again fluffed his attacks only killing 3 Spearmen. In the Dryads v Liberators no Dryads were killed but 1 liberator was dragged down in return. The free peoples dryads enraptured the glade guard giving them a bonus to hit but poor dice meant only 5 were lost. Imspiring presence from the avatar meant battleshock wasnt an issue. Finally with the Treelord breathing down his neck the Glade Lord on Forest Dragon finally got his act together and managed to hit twice with the gaping maw attacks (claws all missed). 1 attack was saved but the other got through to inflict 5 wounds, promptly ending Theodens stubborn resistance!
At the end of turn 2 no objectives had changed hands so the score became 6 - 5 to the Free Peoples.
Turn 3 began with units embroiled in combat across the board. The Reavers moved to intercept the onrushing treelord, desperate to protect the wounded and disoriented Forest Dragon.
The eternal guard shuffled forward to charge the Dryads in support of the beleaguered Glade guard (although I subsequently forgot to charge d'oh!)
In the shooting phase the the only thing of note was the Kurnoth Hunters putting 3 bolts straight into the Unforged approaching the eternal guard, killing him outright.
Combat saw the Forest Dragon charging the approaching treelord who promptly ensnared him in tangling branches inflicting a further penalty to hit. The Kurnoth Hunters charged into the Spearmen to save the struggling avatar, along with the remaining Wardancers whilst the Wild Riders charged head long into the stone thrower.
The Avatar at this point finally got his act together killing six Spearmen, and with the phoenix stone and cloak of Isha kicking in at the start of the Wood elf turn restored a further 2 wounds, was starting to look like his old self. In response the Spearmen fluffed their attacks and were promptly wiped out by a combination of the kurnoth hunters and battleshock.
The free people Dryads continued tearing apart the glade guard, although once again battleshock wasn't an issue thanks to another inspiring presence at the start of the turn from the Avatar. In response the Wood Elf Dryads finally got their act together (supported earlier in the turn by shooting from the nearby Waywatchers) and took down another of the liberators. Battleshock at the end of the turn saw another flee the field. The wild riders decimated the stone thrower crewmen but remained locked in place with the war machine.
The clash of Titans between forest dragon and treelord was entirely one sided. A combination of the ongoing effects of hoarfrost and tangling branches saw the dragon and glade lord missing with all his attacks. In response the treelord promptly knocked a further 4 wounds off him reducing him to 3, luckily the follow up impale attack was saved!
Free peoples turn 3 saw the Avatar restore another wound but then lose it again to an arcane bolt from the Battle mage. The branch wych cast mystic shield on the treelord before moving to support the war machines in combat with the wild riders. Shooting saw the free peoples cannon missing the wild riders entirely and the treelord stanglethorn missing the forest forest dragon. Onto combat and the Dryads continued their decimation of the Glade guard for no losses in return. The wood elf Dryads in response finished off the remaining Liberator, freeing them up to seek the nearby battle mage in turn 4.
Finally in the "clash of Titans" the treelord and Forest dragon continued flailing ineffectually at each other.
Turn 3 ended with 2 objectives each again moving the score to 8-7 to the Free Peoples.
With the closing time of the store fast approaching I think we stopped taking alot of photos around this point
Turn 4 saw me trying to claw back the one point deficit before the game ended. With us playing the mission slightly wrong we were both under the impression that the only unit capable of taking any of the objectives was the eternal guard (by virtue of having greater numbers). To this end they marched across the board, falling just short of the free peoples objective.
In the shooting phase the legendary marksmanship of the wood elves failed with the Waywatchers, remaining Glade guard, and kurnoth hunters all missing their targets.
Combat saw the Avatar charge into the free people Dryads and the wood elf Dryads charging the battlemage.
The avatar slew 3 Dryads (continuing his streak of hitting with only 1 of his close combat attacks all game!) and the Dryads took down another few Glade guard in response. Both units passed their subsequent battleshock tests however. The wood elf Dryads saw their mugging of the battle mage back fire by missing all their attacks and losing 1 of their number in return. Finally "the clash of Titans" once again proved underwhelming with the crippled forest dragon missing the treelord again but the treelord only inflicting one wound in response, again fluffing his impale attack. On the left the wild riders finally broke free of the stone thrower.
With their numbers dwindling the free peoples attempted to dig in. With little to no movement to speak of the stage was set for the cannon to do something, lining up a shot on the regenerating avatar, the shot hit home but unfortunately failed to wound. The free people crewing it had some serious questions to answer after this game!
Combat saw the free people Dryads continue plugging away at the glade guard. The avatar broke his streak and failed to either hit or wound with any of his attacks this time. The battlemage continued his battle with the Dryads, fending off the crazed forest spirits for another turn. Finally the forest dragon and treelord once again missed with everything (He was hitting on 6's at this point!).
At the end of turn 4 the game was still finely balanced at 10-9 to the Free Peoples, but with their numbers dwindling it was going to take a miracle for them to prevent a wood elf victory in the final turn.
Turn 5 began with the Eternal Guard moving to take the free peoples objective 2. Granting two points if I could hold it but giving up their hold on their original objective.
With time running out and nothing else really of importance at this stage of the game we skipped straight to combat. The Avatar finally finished the last of the Dryads, with the help of the Kurnoth hunters and the central wood elf Dryads continued ineffectually pawing at the free people battlemage, losing another of their number to his stave. Finally with the forest dragon once again missing with everything (He was hitting on 6's at this point!) The tree lord finally got his act together and put the dragon out of it's misery with his sweeping blows, setting him up for a charge into the Eternal Guard next turn!
With time rapidly running out the free peoples last turn was streamlined to just the important elements with the cannon taking out a couple of eternal guard and the Treelord strangle root attack killing a couple more. Lining up what would have been a devastating last charge on the Eternal guard I blew a sigh of relief as the Treelord cake up short on charging them!
So with that the game ended and scores were as follows: 12-11 to the Wood Elves!
The final turn objective grab by the eternal guard saw them claim 2 points but relinquish their hold on their original objective. This tied the game but with the extra point from my holding of my other objective it put the Wood Elves over the top by the skin of their teeth!
Sunday, 11 March 2018
Battle Snapshot - Wood Elves vs Free Peoples Part 1
We were playing at Boards and Swords, a new gaming venue in Derby, which if you're ever in the area I can definitely recommend going to visit. They've got a great selection if tables, plenty of great scenery and a great and very helpful owner.
Note that I've called this post a battle "snapshot" as it'll be more a selection of highlights and photos rather than an in depth blow by blow account of the action.
The game itself was a 2000pt game playing the Total Conquest scenario. For those that dont know this basically involved the two armies fighting to control 4 objectives in the middle of each quarter of the board. Units of 20+ models could claim them (slight problem here as you'll see) but if not the side with the most models in a unit claimed the objective. We may have played this slightly wrong as we thought that a unit could only take the objective if they had more models than the original unit, even if that original unit wasn't there....turns out we were wrong about this!
Anyway, to business, the two armies were as follows:
Wood Elves (me) "Guardians of the Hidden Paths"
Avatar of the Hunt - master of defence and phoenix stone
Glade Lord on Forest Dragon
Spell Weaver - Heartwood staff
20 Glade Guard
10 Dryads
5 Reavers
20 Eternal Guard
10 Wardancers
5 Waywatchers
5 Wild Riders
3 Kurnoth Hunters
Free People's (of Middle Earth) - Hayd
Free guild General on Horse - master of defence and relic blade (I think)
Battlemage (lore of beasts?)
Duardin Unforged
20 Dryads
20 Spearmen
20 Glade Guard
5 Retributors
8 Knights of the Realm
2 Great Eagles
1 Stone Thrower
1 Great Cannon
Deployment looked like this:
Glade Guard, Eternal Guard, Drayds, Waywatchers (behind hedge) and Forest Dragon
Wild Riders opposite the Great Eagles, Stone Thrower and Great Cannon (yikes!)
Avatar and Wardancers opposite the free people Glade guard and Spearmen
Free People Knights lined hoping to stay the dragon, with free guild General lurking just out of site behind the house
Free people centre consisting of Spearmen, Glade Guard, Dryads, Baytle mage, Unforged ( hiding behind wall), Branchwych, Treelord and Retributors
Thats deployment done,I'll get into the highlights of the game in the next post.
Sunday, 4 March 2018
Call of the Wild Hunt
Yes that's right, I've decided that my Wood Elves are missing an Ancient Star God of a dead race to lead them...
Actually no, this is going to be my Avatar of the Hunt (formerly Orion). This all came about when I was looking at some of the other warscrolls in the order alliance and was thinking about adding in a Repeater Bolt Thrower to provide a bit of long range threat. I came close to getting one but then took a look through the wood elf compedium and came across the war scroll for this guy.
Between the Spear of Kurnous and the Hawks Talon this guy is quite the threat at range! Additionally he's also quite a threat in close combat as well and with the right magic items (hello phoenix stone) and command trait (inspiring?) will be the resilient commander I think my force needs.
Anyway, the idea for the model itself came from this post on dakka dakka
- I've got some work to do to get anywhere near the level if quality of this conversion but I'm enjoying giving it a go. More pictures to follow later!
Sunday, 25 February 2018
The Eternal Struggle....over?
Painting in this manner means you learn to break a task up into many small steps, choosing to paint one colour on everything then moving onto the next colour or calling it a day as time permits. Doing things this way takes time though, which is why it's taken about 4 weeks to get my Eternal Guard painted to what I think will do as a tabletop standard
Gotta say I'm very pleased with how they've turned out. One of the disadvantages of painting piecemeal in the way I've described above is that you don't see the big picture and it can feel like you making not progress at all. The irony of painting "eternal" guard as a result wasn't lost on me don't worry!
Here's another close up of my intrepid band of wanderers, I've stayed pretty close to the standard colour scheme to keep thing simple and so that they fit in with my Glade guard (finished last year).
There's probably still more work to be done to really finish them. Off the top of my head I could do with looking at some of the hair colours again, maybe highlight up the gemstones and have another go at painting the wood of the spears. All said and done though I need a break from them at the moment which is why I'm moving back to this guy!
That's right the Glade Lord has finished his back and been suitably scrubbed clean of the old paint job. I'm hoping to get this guy painted in the next week in time for his debut in a game I've got planned for next Friday evening. Here's hoping I can convince the little one of the importance of that!
Tuesday, 13 February 2018
The Eternal Struggle
Wednesday, 31 January 2018
Bearers of the Word
1 Dark Apostle (first choice for Word Bearers!)